I have an application (c# and visual studio 2010) which is exporting a Report to different formats.
Depending on the Extension I select different export Options. F.e. PDF, CSV or TXT or even RPT.
All these exports are done with the same code from the documentation:
// Create an array of bytes of the report in the specified format using the Export() method.
PrintOutputController rasPrintOutputController;
rasPrintOutputController = _reportClientDocument.PrintOutputController;
ByteArray tempByteArray = rasPrintOutputController.ExportEx(expOpts);
Byte[] byteStreamOutput = tempByteArray.ByteArray;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(_reportDestFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
int maxSize = byteStreamOutput.Length;
fs.Write(byteStreamOutput, 0 , maxSize);
I have now created a csv file and i am wondering what characterset the file is using. it seems that it is win ansi, but the german characters ä, ü ....
are coded with two bytes. Maybe it is UTF-8.
I have used the crvexportformat:
CharacterSeparatedValuesExportFormatOptions charexport = new CharacterSeparatedValuesExportFormatOptionsClass();
charexport.ExportMode = CrCSVExportModeEnum.crCSVExportModeStandard;
Does anyone knows in which characterset the byte stream is created from the cr runtime?
Many thanks.