Hello Ashish,
Thanks for your quick response. Let me explain the requirement once more and explain how i will do it based on your explanation. Please let me know if this is correct?
In the HTTP header(synchronous response) option in HTTP_AAE adapter reciever communication channel. I will add below field and QOS will BE
HeaderFieldOne = Etag
HeaderFieldOne = location
HeaderFieldOne = server
in the inbound service interface and outbound service interface data types will include below fields:
and map them one to one. Now once i trigger the data from SAP R/3 and webservice is called using POST , the fields will automatically get populated in the inbound service interface response structure and will get mapped to outbound service interface response structure.
Please note that these fields are getting populated in HTTP response header and not body of response, below is the POSTMAN screenshot.
does above will work or we need to write UDF etc to do it?