1) The status of the purchase requisition, as whether the first level release has been done for the Purchase Requisition & who has released the same.
Logic: Pass purchase requisition number to EBAN - BANFN and get the value FRGZU. If it is X then the first level release has been done.
For checking the no. of release levels, Pass the release group to T16FS - FRGGR and check the FRGC (1-8) value
To know the next level of releases, compare the values of EBAN - FRGZU AND T16FS -FRGC
2) Get the user ID, who is authorized to release the Purchase Requisition for second level of release.
Logic : Pass release code, release group and plant to FRGCO - T16FW, FRGGR - T16FW and WERKS - T16FW to get the value agent-id (OBJID).